From Conflict to Peace and Stability: Lessons from UNDP's support to people-centred policing in Iraq

From Conflict to Peace and Stability: Lessons from UNDP's support to people-centred policing in Iraq

August 26, 2024

In the wake of decades of conflict, Iraq stands at a crossroads between lingering instability and the promise of a peaceful future. This report, "From Conflict to Peace and Stability," chronicles UNDP Iraq's transformative journey with the Iraqi government and international partners. It highlights how their collective efforts have rebuilt critical infrastructure, empowered local communities, and fostered economic growth. Through the lens of real-life stories, the report captures the essence of resilience, showcasing how the people of Iraq are reclaiming their future, one step at a time.

Discover how UNDP Iraq, in collaboration with local and international partners, is driving Iraq's transition from conflict to peace. This report delves into the initiatives that have revitalized communities, restored livelihoods, and paved the way for sustainable development in a country on the path to recovery.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals