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The XVI Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), to be held in Barbados on 30-31 October and 1 November 2024, will focus on "Resilience in Action: Social Policies to Navigate Uncertainties in Latin America and the Caribbean". 

Against the backdrop of dynamic socioeconomic shifts, geopolitical transitions, and the enduring impact of the global pandemic, this theme encapsulates the region's commitment to human development, inclusivity, and resilience, with a nuanced lens on various challenges, including climate-related risks. 

The Forum will delve into strategies to enhance the resilience of social policies, ensuring they are adaptive and responsive to evolving needs and crises. It will provide an opportunity for Ministers of Social Development, Environment, Finance, and other related areas in LAC to collectively explore innovative approaches to address inequality, strengthen social safety nets, and promote inclusive economic growth. 

Emphasizing the importance of sustainability underscores a commitment to enduring positive impacts on human development. LAC has long grappled with multifaceted challenges, from economic inequalities to vulnerabilities stemming from natural disasters and external shocks. In this context, the theme underscores the need to strengthen social policies against an array of stressors, with climate-related risks as one integral dimension, emphasizing the need for adaptability, sustainability, and inclusivity. 

By centering the discussion on resilience within the realm of human development, the Forum can provide a holistic platform to address the drivers of vulnerabilities, ensuring that the benefits of social policies reach all segments of society. This theme aligns with the region's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and provides a forward-looking perspective on social development. It acknowledges that resilient societies are not merely those that can withstand shocks but those that can adapt, learn, and thrive in the face of evolving challenges. Moreover, by fostering inclusive and sustainable social policies, the theme recognizes the interconnectedness of economic, social, and environmental dimensions, striving for a balance that promotes equitable human development. 

Building on the discussions initiated at the XIII Ministerial Forum in Antigua and Barbuda in 2021, which discussed disasters and social protection systems in a context of protracted crisis, the XVI Ministerial Forum will analyze new experiences and shocks faced by the region, such as the lasting impacts of the COVID pandemic and changing geopolitical dynamics. It will highlight the importance of enhancing the resilience of social policies and ensuring their adaptability to evolving needs and crises and provide a space to learn from XVI Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean efforts in the region. 

The Forum will serve as a strategic opportunity to build resilience against future shocks that continue to challenge development in the region In essence, this comprehensive thematic framework aims to inspire collaboration among Ministers in LAC, fostering a shared commitment to shaping resilient societies grounded in human development principles. 

The Forum aims to set the stage for transformative policy dialogues and impactful initiatives that transcend traditional boundaries, ultimately steering the region towards a more equitable and resilient future. Furthermore, it positions itself as a crucial stepping stone towards global platforms such as the G20 and COP, amplifying the region's voice in shaping international discourse on resilience and sustainable development.


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