Democratic governance and peacebuilding
Peaceful. Just. Inclusive.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development features for the first time a universally agreed goal for achieving peaceful, just and inclusive societies: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16. UNDP sees Goal 16 not only as an enabler for achieving all the 17 SDGs, but also as a Goal that is worthwhile achieving in itself. Through our work, we support the peaceful resolution of conflicts, promote the rule of law and access to justice, citizen security and human rights. We assist governments in strengthening their public institutions, help countries reduce corruption and support inclusive participation to ensure that no one is left behind.
Making a variety of voices heard
UNDP supports countries to bring constitutional reforms, organize credible elections and strengthen parliaments, while ensuring constructive engagement of civil society. We help build the capacities of subnational institutions and actors to deliver public services in a variety of contexts, including urban settings and crisis-affected areas. In post-crisis settings, we focus on restoring the core functions of government, such as civil service management and aid coordination. Our aim is to create an environment where people can have their voice heard - especially women, youth, indigenous people, people with disabilities, and civil society more broadly.