August 29, 2024
a group of people standing next to a person

Ms. Elsie G Attafuah, UNDP Nigeria RR with the German Ambassador to Nigeria Ms. Annett Günther

In furtherance of the Nigerian government's Police Reform drive, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with generous funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, has officially signed the contract for the third phase of the Police Reform project, titled Supporting Police Accountability and Transformation (SPAAT). This contract marks a significant step to consolidate efforts that began in December 2021 to strengthen the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) and better address the security needs of the Nigerian people.

The project was originally launched under the title Supporting Police Reform in Nigeria in December 2021, aiming to support the long-term efforts of the government of Nigeria and the NPF to develop an effective, trustworthy, accountable, and professional police service. The objective was to foster a police force trusted by and responsive to the needs of the Nigerian people, including women and other vulnerable and marginalized groups, in line with human rights standards and the rule of law. The new phase of the project will continue this work, supporting NPF leadership in achieving the Nigerian government's transformative aspirations. This includes providing quality training and development to prepare officers for today’s security challenges and to meet the safety, security, and rights of people and communities.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Nigeria, Annett Günther, emphasised the importance of this ongoing partnership, stating, “This is a corporation that has been going since 2021 and it has been very successful because we believe in a well-trained, well-equipped Police Force that is in line with democratic principles that supports human rights, people in need and that is trusted by the people. A democratic state like Nigeria needs stable institutions and because Germany is a long-standing partner in advancing Nigeria’s development and democracy – so this project is very much a part and at the heart of our cooperation. We are happy to have such a good and efficient long-standing partner in UNDP also in many other projects in the in the Northeast and Northwest.”

Ms. Elsie Attafuah, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme, also highlighted the significance of the project, noting, “This project is a critical component of our broader efforts to promote sustainable development in Nigeria through public safety and security. By supporting the transformation of the Nigeria Police Force, we are contributing to a safer and more just society for all Nigerians. We would like to thank the German government for being a trusted partner and a partner at core to UNDP. We look forward to the continued success of this partnership.” 

The SPAAT project is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Government of Nigeria through the Office of the National Security Adviser and the Nigeria Police Force in collaboration with local and international partners including the Global Security-Sector-Reform Foundation (GS-Foundation).

As part of this effort, the project has trained over 1,000 police instructors through the Department of Training and Development on the Police Act and modern adult training techniques, aiming to enhance the learning experience of police recruits at the various training institutions. To support the welfare needs of police officers on field deployment across the country, the project handed over state-of-the-art equipment for a 2,000-bed capacity mobile barracks. These barracks include modular components such as military-grade tents, fully equipped field kitchens, medical clinics, and modern toilet and washroom facilities. Additionally, to create a more conducive learning environment for police recruits, the project has renovated and equipped police facilities at the Central Police Training Unit (CPTU) in Jos, Oji River in Enugu, and Iperu in Ogun State, and has supplied equipment and training materials to other police departments and formations across the country.




Note to Editors

About Nigeria Police Force:

The Nigeria Police Force is the National Police Force and principal law enforcement agency in Nigeria, saddled with the responsibility for maintaining law and order, preventing and detecting crime, protecting life and property, and ensuring public safety, amongst others.
It is one of the largest Police Forces in Africa, consisting of 36 State Commands, the FCT Command and 17 Zonal Commands.


About UNDP:

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the leading United Nations organisation fighting to end the injustices of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with a broad network of experts and partners in over 170 countries, UNDP helps nations to build integrated and lasting solutions for people and the planet. 

In Nigeria, UNDP provides technical and policy development support to the Federal Government of Nigeria and supports the implementation of interventions across various thematic areas to meet the medium to long-term national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more:


About GS-Foundation:

GS-Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Germany with a strategic focus on providing technical and specialised capacity-building support and services to law enforcement and security institutions. The organisation is staffed by a pool of law enforcement experts with the necessary experience and expertise to support the reform processes in the areas of police reform, peacebuilding, and stabilisation, including through hands-on capacity building and mentoring, etc. The expertise of the GS-Foundation will be critical in supporting the NPF to develop and standardise criteria for the selection, recruitment, and training at the senior, mid-ranking, and junior levels of the police force based on the regulations for the German Federal Police and international policing standards. Learn more:




Media Contact:

Christabel Chanda - Ginsberg

Public Engagement, Outreach & Partnerships Lead,       

Tel: +234 904 935 4441


Damian Ihekorony

Head of the Police Reform Secretariat