Reviving the ancient art of felting as a new source of income

November 17, 2020

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

On November 16-18, 2020, a series of one-day trainings on the production and manufacture of felt products are being held in the Bozatau, Karauzyakst and Chimbay districts of Karakalpakstan. Among the participants, there are 30 women.

Felting is an ancient art that is now experiencing an exciting "rebirth". At exhibitions and fairs, handicraftsmen increasingly present wide exhibitions of decor items, clothes, and souvenirs made from felt canvas.

“Felting began as early as 3,000 BC. Such technique required a lot of effort, and the thicker the canvas that was created, the more wool, effort and labour were spent on it. The finished fabric was cut out and shoes, yurts, armour, and headcovers were sewn. At the training we will discuss this technique, its different varieties and the stages of creating finished products.” says Altynai Naubetova, a felt production specialist.

On November 20, at the end of the training, women, who are the most active participants of each district will attend a master class in Shumanai district.

The aim of this training is to teach a new craft, as well as to further assist in the formation of additional sources of income for women living in rural areas of Karakalpakstan. 

The event was organized within the framework of the Joint Programme of UNDP and UNFPA "Building the resilience of local communities against health, environmental and economic insecurities caused by environmental destruction in the Aral Sea region", funded by the Government of Japan. The programme promotes the principles of gender equality, as well as implements projects to empower women  through effective mechanisms and approaches.