Our Focus
Transformational Governance for Development
In order for inclusive and sustainable growth to be reached, it is important to create peaceful, just and inclusive societies. It is crucial that citizens are engaged, participating within the decision-making processes and that public and private institutions are free from corruption and are being held accountable for their actions. That being said, UNDP will continue working with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and will support peace building initiatives to achieve and promote unity, reconciliation and social cohesion at the community level. Through the Transformational Governance Unit, UNDP will partner with the Rwanda National Police (RNP) to develop and implement community policing strategies to reduce criminal activities. In relation to this, UNDP will also advocate for increased access to justice, especially to the most vulnerable, such as inmates and women and children who have faced any forms of violence.
Additionally, UNDP will also support the government in policy frameworks that provide alternative measures to imprisonment, such as rehabilitation. Moreover, UNDP will partner with research institutions to conduct independent research on citizen participation in democratic processes to inform policy dialogue and decision making on critical public policy issues. For example, tools such as the Citizen Report Card will continue being supported. In addition, UNDP will also partner with stakeholders to create capacity building opportunities for media houses and practitioners to develop a more inclusive and sustainable media sector. Furthermore, UNDP will also partner with the Office of the High Commissioners for Human Rights, National Commission for Human Rights and the Ministry of Justice to promote human rights especially for peoples with disabilities, women and poor inmates.
As it stand, UNDP works with various CSOs and initiatives such as HillSide Hope School to promote the rights for students who have disabilities. Moreover, UNDP will also partner with the Ministry of Gender, the Gender Monitoring Office, the PSF and UNWOMEN to promote accountability on gender equality and will support the participation of women across all sectors—whether it be in the private or public institutions.