Our Focus
Inclusive & Sustainable Growth
Within this pillar, UNDP will provide policy advice, technical assistance and financial support to programmes and projects working towards structural economic transformation, combatting climate change, decent job creation and data collection to target the Sustainable Development Goals needed to support sustainable and equitable growth, improved livelihoods, and enhanced resilience for poor and marginalized populations. Fulfilling these goals and aims are an important task for UNDP as it will increase development and evolve the lives of many. Moreover, in collaboration with the Strategic Policy Unit of the President’s Office, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) and national stakeholders, UNDP will develop a policy research agenda that will include advice and support on key economic and environmental policy reforms and programmes needed to progress the development of Rwanda. To add on, UNDP, in partnership with MINECOFIN and the Private Sector Federation (PSF), will also design strategies to collect additional funding from public and private sources to improve development initiatives.
Furthermore, UNDP is partnered with other UN agencies, such as UNEP and FAO,and other development stakeholders to improve the Environment and Natural Resource sector. UNDP will achieve this by assisting in the technical capacities of the Ministry of Environment, FONERWA, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), and Rwanda Meteorological Agency ( Rwanda Meteo).
Through this pillar, UNDP will also support the rehabilitation and restoration of ecosystems including wetlands and degraded landscapes. UNDP played an important role in the creation of the first Green Village initiative and will use the lessons learnt to scale up and improve this project within the new Country Programe. Moreover, UNDP will continue its support to MINEMA on disaster risk reduction and management. UNDP will provide technical and financial support to Meteo Rwanda to improve data collection and analysis of meteorological records in order to develop early warning systems and raise awareness to the general public on disaster risk reduction and response.In the new Country Programme, UNDP is partnered with the Ministry of Youth, other UN agencies and development partners to scale up the YouthConnekt Initiative into a Joint Youth Programme—a programme that provides a platform for youth to gains skills development, job creation and promotes women and youth entrepreneurship. In addition, the Youthconnekt Programme also provides job opportunities to the refugee population and persons with disabilities to achieve inclusive youth development.
YouthConnekt Rwanda
With the support of UNDP, the Government of Rwanda initiated YouthConnekt Rwanda in 2012 , since that year over 6 bootcamps were organized and over 550 innovators were invited to attend to get trained on various business skills and transform their entrepreneurial mindsets, resulting in the creation of over 8000 jobs.
Every year, the YouthConnecket Summit invites 3000 Rwanda youth entrepreneurs, from various parts of the country, to attend and participate the convention and are given the opportunity to gain financial support for their business ideas and start-ups.