Polish Challenge Fund



At the beginning of 2020, the pilot of the Polish Challenge Fund (PCF) was launched. Its main goal was to engage Polish companies to address complex development challenges in partner countries. In May 2021 next stage of collaboration started: Polish-UNDP Partnership – Innovative Solutions for the SDGs (PUP). Its aim is to transfer and apply innovative technologies from Polish private sector, research institutes and universities to tackle development challenges identified in selected priority countries. Calls for Proposals to the Polish Challenge Fund are announced annually. 


  • Identify and implement impactful solutions in partner countries, among them Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.
    Engage Polish leading innovative tech companies, start-ups and academia in impactful partnership with local partners.
  • Main project areas: Green technologies with a special focus on Affordable Energy Sources; Digital Innovations & New Solutions for ICT Sector; Markets, Employment and Other Support; Smart Cities Solutions; Anti Covid-19 Solutions. 

Major Achievements

  • 5 Calls For Proposals to the Polish Challenge Fund (2 under the Initiation Plan and 3 under current Polish-UNDP Partnership): in total 119 applications received in answer to five Calls for Proposals launched in 2020-2022.
  • 30 Solutions awarded so far with a total value of USD 1,588,093 (including awards of USD 1,174,225, and mobilized co-financing USD 577,802).
  • 35 eligible applications received in answer to 5th Call for Proposals to the Polish Challenge Fund.
  • 2020-2022 Impact: 12 initiatives in Moldova, 11 initiatives in Ukraine, 4 initiatives in Georgia, 3 initiatives in Belarus.



awarded so far with a total value of USD 1,588,093 (including awards of USD 1,174,225, and mobilized co-financing USD 577,802).


eligible applications

received in answer to the last 5th Call for Proposals to the Polish Challenge Fund



in Moldova



in Ukraine



in Georgia



in Belarus