Local Governance Symposium Recommendations handed over to Prime Minister

July 2, 2024
Report being handed over to PM of Sri Lanka

Representatives from UNDP and European Union delegation handing over report to Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

PMO Sri Lanka

Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1 July 2024: The Findings and Preliminary Recommendations Report from the recently concluded National Symposium on ‘Catalysing Change: Making Local Governance Future Fit’ was handed over this morning to Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka by Ms. Azusa Kubota, Resident Representative, UNDP in Sri Lanka and Mr. Johann Hesse, Head of Cooperation at the European Union (EU) Delegation to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.  

The National Symposium was co-convened by the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government, the European Union Delegation in Sri Lanka and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sri Lanka.

The dialogue created a platform to foster productive exchanges of insights and best practices among stakeholders concerning local governance, drawing extensively from the lessons and experiences gained over 5 years, working alongside 134 local authorities in 4 Provinces in the country through the Capacity Development of Local Government (CDLG) Project, funded by the European Union. 

The report is informed by the experience of experts, practitioners, and multiple stakeholders that participated, and will aim to inform the shaping of the future trajectory of governance in Sri Lanka, ensuring it remains adaptive, resilient, and well-positioned to meet the challenges of tomorrow's development landscape.
