State-building and Reconciliation Support Program


About the Project

In the context of the ongoing formative phase of state-building in Somalia, the project's core objective is to create an enabling environment to introduce, nurture and integrate institutional approaches, operational frameworks, coordination and implementation mechanisms for consensus-building on contentious/pending issues facilitating high level political, strategic and policy dialogues to unlock the political stalemate on the allocation of power and distribution of resources at the FGS, FMS and District levels. The project also aims to bridge the gap between top-down and bottom-up processes of state building, reconciliation and collaborative governance with special reference to newly recovered areas. The project will develop the capacities of Somali stakeholders by administrating peer learning programs, developing policy and regulatory instruments, streamlining business processes and improving policy and programmatic linkages for collaborative governance at the community level.

Key Planned Activities:

  • Improved policy, planning and programmatic linkages for the effective implementation of national reconciliation and collaborative governance at FGS, FMS and District levels.
  • Process of consensus building on federal framework and mechanism(s) for intergovernmental relations between and within FGS and FMSes are strengthened and the capacity of civil society for policy advocacy and public accountability is enhanced.
  • Operationalization of allocation of power is supported and institutional capacity enhanced on 'functional unbundling and development of sector-specific governance framework at FGS, FMS and District levels.
  • Operationalization/outreach of an inclusive legal identification eco-system sensitive to the social contract is enhanced and national/regional counterparts are operationally equipped to deliver their institutional mandates effectively and efficiently.