undp-somalia-Support to Democratization and Achieving Social Contract Through Inclusive Constitutional Review Process in Somalia

Support to Democratization and Achieving Social Contract Through Inclusive Constitutional Review Process in Somalia

About the Project

The project contributes to achieving one of the key strategic priorities highlighted in the NCC June 2022 Agreement - the completion of the constitutional reform. Observing identified lessons and Somali political and security realities, the project prepared a strategy to address underlined empirical baselines striving to facilitate the establishment of an enabling environment for both state and non-state actors to actively participate in and operationalize inclusive Somali-owned national dialogue in the constitutional reform process, leading to political settlements on the contentious issues, incremental adoption of the constitutional amendments and operationalization of the constitutional framework, following the principles of the rule of law and human rights, contributing to social contract among the Somalis.

The outcome will be achieved through:

  • Supporting official political processes that will be based on the inclusive Somali-owned and Somali-led dialogue, ensuring participation of the societal groups and highlighting incremental approaches to adoption of constitutional amendments;
  • Expanding the spectrum of constituencies with the FMS embedded as partners in the dialogues, ensuring tight collaboration with the mandated bodies, MOJCA, OC and ICRIC, contributing to inclusive decision-making processes and accountable institutions and leaders and
  • Building Capacities of the key FGS and FMS institutions and civil society to facilitate the process and adequately address the interests and needs of the citizens.

Key Planned Objectives:

The project's specific overall outcome is to

To facilitate the establishment of an enabling environment for both state and non-state actors to actively participate in and operationalize inclusive Somali-owned national dialogue in the constitutional reform process, leading to political settlements on the contentious issues, incremental adoption of the constitutional amendments and operationalization of the constitutional framework, following the principles of the rule of law and human rights, contributing to social contract among the Somalis.