Women Peace and Protection Programme

Women Peace and Protection Programme

About the Project

The overarching goal of the WPS Joint Programme is to address systemic barriers and impediments to Somali women’s representation and meaningful participation in political and public spheres, which can be achieved notably through strengthening protection frameworks. 

Additionally, fostering organizational networks, engaging in capacity building of women leaders and changemakers, and strengthening institutional structures will create an enabling environment for the meaningful participation of women in the peacebuilding processes. 

The project is framed in alignment with the principle of ‘Leave No One Behind’ and integrates intersectionality as a key approach, ensuring that marginalized women, specifically, women with disabilities are supported as changemakers and peacebuilders.

Key Planned Objectives:

  • Enhanced representation and meaningful participation of women in political, legislative and peace infrastructures and processes to promote, sustain and consolidate peace, and gender-responsive approaches to peacebuilding, with women at the helm of the peacebuilding process.
  • An enabling environment for women’s participation in peacebuilding efforts at all levels is created through strengthened protection and prevention mechanisms and structures at FGS, FMS and community levels ensuring the rights, physical and mental health and security of women as well as through addressing social values and norms limiting participation.