Facilitating Cleaner and Energy Efficient Phosphate Chemicals Industry in China (PhosChemEE) Project
Facilitating Cleaner and Energy Efficient Phosphate Chemicals Industry in China (PhosChemEE) Project
October 22, 2024
UNDP SES Introduction
In alignment with UNDP's Strategic Plan, the UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards (SES) reinforce the organization's commitment to integrating social and environmental sustainability in our programmes and projects to support sustainable development. The SES are UNDP policy and an integral component of UNDP's quality assurance and risk management approach. UNDP’s SES seek to (i) strengthen quality of programming by ensuring a principled approach; (ii) maximize social and environmental opportunities and benefits; (iii) avoid adverse impacts to people and the environment; (iv) minimize, mitigate, and manage adverse impacts where avoidance is not possible; (v) strengthen UNDP partner capacities for managing social and environmental risks; and (vi) ensure full and effective stakeholder engagement, including through mechanisms to respond to complaints from project-affected people.
SES Reports of PhosChemEE Project
The following SES reports have been developed for PhosChemEE Project, in accordance with UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards, to understand the potential types and magnitude of social and environmental risks and impacts and to provide measures to address them.
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA):
The Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) has been conducted for the PhosChemEE project to adequately assess the potential impacts that may arise due to upstream/policy-level project interventions and support.
The SESA process ensures that impacts to local communities, their livelihoods, rights, resources, and the biophysical receptor environment are taken into consideration in the decision-making process while developing legislative tools and strategies. Any institutional and capacity gaps identified during this process are addressed through the training that will be conducted for the specified activities.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA):
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the PhosChemEE Project has been prepared to identify and assess social and environmental impacts of the demo sites and their area of influence; evaluate alternative; and design appropriate avoidance, mitigation, management, and monitoring measures, especially the potential impacts of the planned construction and operation of new advanced PCI technology infrastructures on sustainable natural resource management and community health.
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP):
The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been prepared for PhosChemEE Project to address the impacts associated with the demo sites. The ESMP provides a set of avoidance, mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures – as well as actions needed to implement these measures – to achieve the desired social and environmental sustainability outcomes.
In addition, ESMPs are dynamic, and will require amending as new project activities are identified, screened, assessed, and implemented. Additional required mitigation and impact management measures will also be integrated into management plans, and in some cases may require, or benefit from, input from the Project Gender Specialist.
Labor Management Plan (LMP):
In addition to the ESMP for the PhoschemEE project, a targeted management plan – Labor Management Plan (LMP) has been developed to address SES3 (Community Health, Safety and Security) and SES7 (Labor and Working Conditions) impacts. The site-specific environmental and social assessments are conducted for each demo to identify the critical health and safety risks, and a management plan is in place to avoid, minimize or mitigate any health risks and safety issues for the workers and neighboring communities regarding construction work in the demo sites.