Women meeting outside

Focus Area

Inclusive Politics

Inclusive Politics

Our work in this area aims to (a) support the development and implementation of policy, legal and regulatory frameworks in line with international and regional standards; (b) strengthen or establish effective and accountable institutions at the national, state and local levels to deliver quality services for all citizens; and (c) tackle corruption and mismanagement of public resources.

While fully recognizing that constitution making is a Somali-led and -owned process, UNDP and other UN entities work with federal- and state-level institutions toward the adoption and implementation of a revised constitution and the harmonization of legislative frameworks, including Federal Member State constitutions and the Federal Constitution. This work includes a a special focus on ensuring the uptake of women´s rights and the demands laid out in the 2019 Women´s Charter.  

To deepen federalism, UNDP supports the effective implementation of the National Reconciliation Framework/Process (NRF/NRP). We also support efforts to strengthen the capacity of religious and traditional leaders, CSOs, women, youth and marginalized groups such as IDPs and PWDs to effectively engage in conflict mapping, inclusive reconciliation processes and peacebuilding initiatives across Somalia.

UNDP also work with federal, state and local governments, electoral management institutions, CSOs, religious and traditional leaders and other partners on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks for inclusive and credible elections, including electoral and political party laws. This includes strengthening the capacity of electoral institutions, empowering women, youth and minority groups to participate in elections at all levels and safeguarding the democratic space for civil society and a free and independent media.

This portfolio will contribute to SDG 5, 10, 16 and 17, UNDP’s Signature Solutions 2, 3 and 6 and UNCF Outcome 1.2.