Dowladkaab Programme

Joint Programme Strengthening Local Governance and Decentralized Service Delivery (Dowladkaab Programme)

About the Project

As Somalia’s federal and state institutions emerge from institutional fragility and progress towards a fully-fledged federation, local governments serve as the primary interface between the state and its citizens. 

The Joint Programme on Strengthening Local Governance and Decentralized Service Delivery (Dowladkaab Programme) aims to strengthen local governments to respond to the needs and rights of all citizens effectively. By creating an enabling environment for inclusive and sustainable governance systems at the district level, the project aims to enhance basic social service delivery, state legitimacy, and trust-building. 

Funded by the UN Somalia Joint Fund (SJF), Dowladkaab Programme is implemented by three UN agencies; UNDP, UN HABITAT, and UNICEF, together with sector ministries at federal and state levels led by the Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MoIFAR). 

The project will cover all Federal Member States (FMSs) and Mogadishu Municipality by enhancing local governments' legitimacy, functionality, and delivery of quality services. Furthermore, Dowladkaab Programme will have lighter footprints in Somaliland and Puntland, primarily to further institutionalize local governance, deepen knowledge management, and use their relatively advanced capabilities as an innovation hub to showcase the best practices and lessons learned for adaptability and scalability, additionally, the graduation strategy of SL and PL including for other intervention districts will be developed during the implementation phase from the 2nd year of the implementation. 

During the implementation, Dowladkaab Programme is expected to transform from traditional development funding into a catalyst for a capacity development program, unlocking development financing that enables local governments to mobilize resources for sustainable and inclusive public service delivery. The Dowladkaab Programme centers on community needs, and aspires for collaborative, participatory development and lasting change at the local level.

Key Objectives:

  • Empowered state institutions at federal, state and district level to effectively spearhead decentralization reforms, enhance adaptive capacities, improve coordination and delivery of social services.
  • Strengthened local governments to efficiently coordinate functions, design and deliver equitable, inclusive, and accountable services.
  • Empowered citizens to actively engage in local governance processes, benefitting from accessible social accountability mechanisms and efficient redressal systems, ensuring their concerns are promptly addressed.