Preparation of Initial Biennial Update Report

Preparation of Initial Biennial Update Report

[Closed Project]


The First Biennial Update Report (BUR1) of Somalia will provide an update of the country’s National circumstances and Initial National Communication, which is to be submitted during the initial phase of the First Biennial Update Report project, with an emphasis on updating greenhouse gas inventories. The first Biennial Updating Report project aims to encourage the incorporation of climate-related policies and programs into the work of the state and entity level governments. At the same time, the projects must take into consideration the complex political environment, the lack of overarching economic and sectoral development policies at the state and entity levels, and the shortage of organizational capacity in Somalia at present.


The project implementation plan for the Initial BUR outlines Somalia’s set of activities and outputs to be undertaken over two years which will lead to the preparation and submission of the aforementioned report. The scope of Initial BURs is to provide an update to the most recently submitted national communication. The Initial BUR will focus on the following areas:

  1. Enhancing the information on national circumstances and strengthening institutional arrangements relevant to the preparation of the national communications on a continuous basis;
  2. Enhancing the reporting system for the national inventory of anthropogenic GHGs emissions by sources and removal by sinks not controlled by the Montreal Protocol;
  3. Establishing a framework for identifying and addressing the constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs;
  4. Timely provision of reliable information on the level of support received to enable the preparation and submission of biennial update reports;
  5. Provision of updated information on domestic Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and;
  6. Provision of any other information on non-climate related impacts, opportunities and benefits on sustainable development, biodiversity and land degradation.