Promoting Resilience Through Integrated Approach to Water, Environment and Disaster Risk Management in Somalia

Promoting Resilience Through Integrated Approach to Water, Environment and Disaster Risk Management in Somalia

About the Project

The project aims to build the capacity of the Somali authorities and communities in their efforts to promote sustainable and resilient development through targeted support in the areas of integrated water resource management, environmental governance, and disaster risk reduction. 

The Somali authorities continue to make important strides in state-building and maintaining political and economic stability. While poverty reduction remains an overarching objective, an integrated approach to water, environment, and disaster plays a vital role in enhancing the resilience of water-stressed, ecological, and disaster vulnerable communities in Somalia. 

The project brings together the capacity needs and national priorities into a programming framework that delves into integrated solutions to build capacities at all levels toward promoting community resilience. The project builds on the past experiences and complements the ongoing national efforts under the National Development Plan (NDP-9) and aligns with the strategic focus of the Resilient Recovery Framework (RRF) developed and approved by the Government of Somalia.

Key Planned Objectives:

  • Component 1 – Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM): Targeted capacities will be built at all levels to promote IWRM for Somali institutions and water-stressed communities as right-holders to improve water access and gender-responsive and sustainable use of water resources in Somalia.
  • Component 2 – Environmental Governance: The capacities for sustainable environmental governance will be enhanced at institutional and community levels to address the ecological challenges and priorities toward promoting ecological resilience in Somalia.
  • Component 3 – Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): A government-wide, multi-hazards and multi-stakeholder approach will be promoted under this component for integration of DRR in the planning and programming toward building the resilience of the disaster-vulnerable communities, including addressing the differentiated needs and vulnerabilities of women, youth, and disabled people in Somalia.