

Scaling-Up Solutions to Displacement in Somalia

About the Project

The objective of the Saameynta project is to support the Federal Government of Somalia in their goal to achieve durable solutions for an estimated 2.6 million displaced people within the country. Forced displacement, drought, closure of refugee camps in neighbouring countries, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have further exacerbated the displacement situation. This project recognises that displacement is a barrier to the improvement of living conditions of the people that experience its misery and prevents those groups to seize opportunities that, if made available to other poor social groups, would enable them to improve their situation over time. Therefore, addressing protracted displacement in Somalia is an imperative and urgent priority.

The Saameynta (Impact) project addresses Somalia’s internal displacement challenges in an innovative manner, seeking durable solutions that are affordable and sustainable through addressing specific inter-related systemic blockages, challenges, and opportunities.

Key Planned Objectives:

Promote the sustainable integration of displaced communities in urban areas by empowering governments to leverage value generated by urbanization and urban infrastructure investment and to increase DACs’ self-reliance and access to sustainable basic services in three Somali cities (Baidoa, Bossaso and Beletweyne)