To receive technical assistance for demonstration projects to replace refrigeration and air conditioning technologies using HCFCs with energy-efficient and ozone-friendly technologies with low global warming potential

June 27, 2024
Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

Contest organizers: 

Joint project of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UNDP and GEF "Complete HCFC Phase-out in Uzbekistan through Promotion of Zero ODS Low GWP Energy Efficient Technologies"

Contest nomination:

Project proposals for the introduction of alternative and energy-efficient technologies in the use of natural refrigerants in the sector of production/storage/sale of various products (refrigerating chambers, commercial refrigeration equipment, etc.).

Eligible candidates:

Participants of these demonstration projects can be public and private business enterprises that have equipment and are engaged in the production, storage and sale of various products and are involved, including in the retail sector (cold storage, commercial equipment, etc.) and use HCFCs as a refrigerant in their equipment, and intend to replace old equipment with new. 

Deadline and procedure for submission of applications and project proposals:

The competition will be held in two stages. At the first stage, all interested organizations (public and private enterprises) can submit an application form, starting from the date of the announcement of the competition in the UNDP on social networks (Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, etc.) until 18:00 July 8, 2024. Incomplete application forms, as well as those submitted after the deadline for submitting application forms, will not be considered by the selection committee. Participants who have passed the first stage will also be informed about the second stage.

For all questions of participation in the competition, you can contact below mentioned telephone number or email. Project proposals must be submitted in electronic form by email or printed one to the project office at: 

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Bunyodkor Ave. 7A. 

Tel: +998 90 987 00 57; 

E-mail: mukhammadjon.tursunov@undp.org