Tokyo International Conference on African Development


Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)

The Tokyo International Conference of African Development (TICAD) was launched in 1993 by the Government of Japan, to promote Africa’s development, peace and security, through the strengthening of relations in multilateral cooperation and partnership.

The launch of TICAD was catalytic for refocusing international attention on Africa’s development needs. In the course of nearly 30 years, TICAD has evolved into a major global and open and multilateral forum for mobilizing and sustaining international support for Africa’s development under the principles of African "ownership" and international "partnership.”

As a founding co-organizer of TICAD, UNDP is committed to the success of TICAD. The TICAD process reflects UNDP’s foundational belief that sustainable development can only happen with the full participation of a range of partners, including governments, regional and international organization, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and civil society. 





TICAD I | Tokyo

Japan co-hosted the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD I) in Tokyo with UN and the Global Coalition for Africa from 5-6 October 1993. Forty-eight African countries, 12 donors, EC, eight international organizations and many observers attended the conference.

The Tokyo Declaration on African Development, a guideline for African development, was adopted at the conference, which emphasized the importance of self-help of Africa (ownership) as well as the need for international support for Africa.




TICAD II | Tokyo

The Second Tokyo International Conference on African Development held in Tokyo by Japan, the United Nations and the Global Coalition for Africa from 19-20 October 1998,  adopted the African Development Towards the 21st Century: the Tokyo Agenda for Action, which was designed to guide the concrete policy implementation by African countries and their partners toward African development in the 21st century. It expressed their commitment to the agreed goals and priority actions in the areas of: 

  1. social development: education, health and population, measures to assist the poor;
  2. economic development: private sector development, industrial development, agricultural development, external debt, and;
  3. foundations for development: good governance, conflict prevention and post-conflict development.





Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the TICAD process, the Third Tokyo International Conference on African Development, one of the most important, convened in Tokyo from 29 September to 1 October 2003. The TICAD Tenth Anniversary Declaration acknowledged the achievements of the TICAD process, and pledged to support Africa's ownership, especially the implementation of NEPAD, by working together to address the new challenges set before us.




TICAD IV | Yokohama

The Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV), convened in Yokohama, Japan from 28-30 May 2008, brought together 51 African countries, 74 international and regional organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and notable individuals.

Held under the overarching theme: “Towards a Vibrant Africa: a Continent of Hope and Opportunity”, the Conference identified: boosting economic growth;  ensuring ‘human security’, including the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the consolidation of peace and good governance; and addressing environmental issues and climate change as key challenges. The Yokohama Declaration and the Yokohama Action Plan  were adopted at the conference.




TICAD V | Yokohama

Held in Yokohama on June 1-3. Under the concept of ‘Hand in Hand with a More Dynamic Africa’ active discussions took place at the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development on the direction of African development in line with the core themes namely, Robust and Sustainable Economy, Inclusive and Resilient Society and Peace and Stability. Reflecting the importance of growth led by the private sector, a ‘Dialogue with the Private Sector’ session for direct engagement between African leaders and representatives of Japanese private sector was held for the first time at a TICAD plenary session. The Yokohama Declaration (2013-2017 ) and the Yokohama Action Plan (2013 -2017)  were adopted at the conference.




TICAD VI | Nairobi

The Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development Summit was held at Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-28 August 2016. This was the first time ever a TICAD Summit was held in Africa since its inception in 1993. Over 11,000 participants attended the Summit, including representatives of 53 African countries, as well as representatives of international and regional organizations, the private sector and civil society, among others. The Nairobi Declaration and the Nairobi Implementation  Plan were adopted at TICAD-VI, as an outcome document, outlining new commitments made towards Africa’s development.




TICAD VII | Yokohama

Under its theme “Africa and Yokohama, Sharing Passion for the Future”, the City of Yokohama set the stage for the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development to its shores again between 28-30 August 2019. Co-organized by the Government of Japan, the United Nations, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the World Bank, and the African Union Commission (AUC), the overarching theme was Advancing Africa’s Development through People, Technology, and Innovation. The conference adopted the Yokohama Declaration and the Yokohama Plan of Actions.



TICAD VIII | Tunisia

The 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8), held in the Tunisian capital of Tunis on August 27 and 28, centered around three themes: 'Achieving sustainable and inclusive growth with reduced economic inequalities,' 'Realizing a sustainable and resilient society based on human security,' and 'Building sustainable peace and stability through supporting Africa’s own efforts' in the post-pandemic context. The event, attended by leaders and representatives from 48 African countries, resulted in the adoption of the Tunis Declaration.



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