Expert Roster Call for

Advisors on EU enlargement

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UNDP in Europe and CIS is looking for experts on the EU acquis communautaire.


Welcome to the UNDP Expert Roster Call for Advisors on EU acquis communautaire – your gateway to an area of significant development opportunities in Europe and the CIS region. 

We invite applications from qualified experts interested in providing the services described in the Terms of Reference

In the dynamic landscape of the region, UNDP is a firm ally of the countries on the path to EU membership. With a deep understanding of the requirements for integrating the acquis communautaire and meeting EU standards, we are committed to providing the highest level of technical expertise. Our consultants are not only experts in their field, but also strategic advisors who provide objective analyses and insights. By promoting accountability and learning, our consultants contribute significantly to the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion by bringing countries into line with European standards, policies and laws.

Are you ready to make an impact?

Do you possess a nuanced understanding of the EU policies and the EU acquis communautaire? Do you have extensive experience in providing advisory services on preparations for the application of EU policies and acquis communautaire? Are you passionate about supporting countries in their journey towards EU accession? If you find resonance with these questions, you could be the ideal candidate for the RBEC Expert Roster!

How can you join the Roster?

  • Joining the RBEC Expert Roster is a simple process, similar to applying for a consultancy mandate.
  • Submit your application once and once approved, your profile can be matched with the relevant consultant vacancies.
  • The deadline for the Submission is 13 Sep 2024 12:00 (Istanbul Time) 
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to 

Click on the button below to learn more and harness your expertise as an Advisor on EU acquis communautaire with the RBEC Expert Roster!