Maldives Launches Integrated Court Management System to Enhance Judicial Efficiency and Access to Justice

April 28, 2024

A snap from the ICMS launch ceremony


The launch ceremony of the Integrated Court Management System (ICMS) indicates a significant milestone in the Maldivian judiciary's digital transformation efforts. Developed by the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) with funding by UK Government and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Maldives, the ICMS promises to revolutionize court operations by automating processes and enhancing efficiency. This system not only simplifies workflows for court staff but also ensures better data management and connectivity between courts, thereby developing a more streamlined and accessible justice system for all citizens.

ICMS represents a cornerstone initiative aimed at strengthening the Maldivian justice system. By facilitating equitable access to justice and upholding human rights, the ICMS emphasizes the program's commitment to enhancing governance through transparency, fairness, and societal cohesion. UNDP's sustained partnership since 2020 has provided crucial infrastructure, technical expertise, and human resources to develop and deploy the ICMS, reinforcing its role in promoting democratic processes and public trust in digital governance solutions.