Women in Politics, Public Administration, Civil Society


What we do

Within the past years Armenia faced progress in regard to political participation of women and gender equality at all levels of decision-making. According to 2024 Global Gender Gap Report, Armenia occupies the 64th place out of 146, emerging as the frontrunner in the region. Gender quota has increased representation of women to 36.4% at National Assembly and 30% at the local level, following the final round of local elections in Fall 2022. The finalization of the 2024-2028 National Gender Strategy and Action Plan is currently underway, with a particular focus on enhancing the representation and advancement of women at the appointed decision-making positions within the public administration. Public Administration Reform Strategy has emphasized the need to identify factors contributing to existing gender disparities within the public system of Armenia and create appropriate mechanisms to address those to continuously strengthen gender-balanced and merit-based public service. Armenia has also approved its second National Action Plan regarding UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace, and Security," highlighting the prioritization of women's involvement in conflict prevention, resolution, and recovery efforts. Evidently, gender equality has been prioritized at the country level, and both national and local public entities have become increasingly ready for introduction of corresponding institutional mechanisms in place.

At the same time, the representation of women in other areas of engagement currently stands for:

-    0% as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister

-   16.7% of Government Ministers (2 out of 12) and 17% as Deputy Ministers (8 out of 47 )

-    Less than 6 % as community heads (4 out of 71); 30% as local councillors

-   0% as governors, 15.8% as vice-governors (3 out of 19).


UNDP is currently implementing “Women in Politics, Public Administration and Civil Society” project which is aimed to contribute to stronger systems and mechanisms to ensure equal opportunities and rights of women and men to participate in decision-making processes at local and national levels.  The project is implemented in partnership with RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure and OxYGen Foundation. The project builds on the results achieved within UNDP’s previous “Women in Politics” project funded by the UK Good Governance Fund, UNDP funded “Gender Equality and Public Administration” project, SDC-supported Women and Youth in Innovative Local Development project, as well as OxYGen advocacy work on women political empowerment.

Some results so far

More than 200 women leaders have been reached through various interrelated and complimenting formats: Women Leadership School, Women and Youth Advisory Councils, Mentorship Scheme and Policy Club.

Six Women and Youth Advisory Councils have been established to ensure local voices are heard, reveal and address pressing issues of community concern.

Gender Mainstreaming and Social Inclusion methodologies have been elaborated to be used as mandatory documents for the policy-makers.

Project beneficiaries contributions to the policy-making have been secured through recommendation packages to the Draft National Gender Strategy (2024-2028) and its Action Plan, RA Electoral Code, Law on Mass Media, “Law on Temporary Unemployment and Maternity Benefits”, among others. 

Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions has officially been launched within the Human Rights Defender’s Office of Armenia. 

Engagement of ethnic minorities in policy making, decision making and advocacy efforts has continuously been enhanced. 

The CSO-National Assembly platform has been re-launched as a vital tool for networking, advocacy and lobbying.




July 2022


March 2025






Ministry of Territorial Admini


Foreign,Commonwealth & Dev.Off.








Full Project information