
Važno obaveštenje za dobavljače / ponuđače: Prelazak na Quantum On-Line System u postupcima nabavki koje sprovodi UNDP  

 Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas obavestimo da UNDP, na globalnom nivou, prelazi na novi ERP Quantum sistem koji će biti korišćen u postupcima nabavki, a zbog povlačenja Atlas eTendering sistema. 

UNDP-ov Quantum je on-line sistem koji služi za interakciju sa dobavljačima / ponuđačima u postupcima nabavki (tendera, koji se u novom sistemu nazivaju “negotiations”), kao i za upravljanje ugovorima. 

Quantum on-line sistem ima za cilj da unapredi integritet i transparentnost postupaka nabavki, i da pojednostavi procese: Dobavljači / ponuđači mogu da koriste on-line portal da pregledaju tenderski dokument, podnesu ponudu, komuniciraju sa timom za nabavke, itd. 

Quantum naglašava osnovne vrednosti postupka nabavke, kao što su: pravičnost, integritet, transparentnost i odgovornost.  

Neke od glavnih prednosti Quantum-a su: 

  • Neblagovremene ponude neće biti prihvaćene: Sistem će automatski odbiti sve ponude nakon isteka roka (datum i vreme su jasno navedeni u svakom „negotiation“-u). 
  • Elektronski zatvorene ponude: Sistem šifruje podnete ponude u sistemu i nikome ne dozvoljava uvid u bilo koju dostavljenu informaciju pre nego što istekne rok za podnošenje ponuda. 
  • Elektronsko zaključavanje ponuda: Sistem zaključava sve informacije koje su dostavili dobavljači / ponuđači i nikome ne dozvoljava da menja, briše ili dodaje bilo koji detalj u dostavljenoj ponudi nakon isteka roka za podnošenje. 
  • Pojednostavljuje postupak nadmetanja: Dobavljači / ponuđači mogu da se registruju u sistemu, preuzmu sve informacije i tendersku dokumentaciju, podnesu svoju ponudu on-line, menjaju je direktno u sistemu pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda i dobiju automatska obaveštenja kada se završi evaluacija ponuda i dodeli ugovor. 
  • Obezbeđuje revizorski trag: Pošto Supplier Portal system beleži sve aktivnosti u sistemu, time se čuva revizorski trag sa ciljem veće odgovornosti i transparentnosti. 

Dobavljači / ponuđači koji žele da učestvuju u nabavkama koje sprovodi UNDP, moraju da imaju registrovan profil u Quantum-u. Detaljna uputstva za registraciju ponuđača se nalaze u Uputstvu za korisnike (Quantum Procurement - User Guide for UNDP Suppliers - October 2022) ispod. U slučaju da dobavljač / ponuđač već ima registrovan supplier profil u Quantum-u, može da se prijavi putem Quantum’s Supplier Portal-a, a zatim pronađe negotiation (tender) za koji je zainteresovan i da podnese ponudu u skladu sa datim uputstvima u gorenavedenom Uputstvu za korisnike.  

Za sva pitanja vezana za konkretan postupak nabavke koji organizuje UNDP Srbija, molimo Vas da kontaktirate tim za nabavke UNDP Srbija putem elektronske pošte:, da jasno navedete referentni broj Quantum negotiation-a (konkretnog tendera za koji ste zainteresovani) i da kratko opišete pitanje u vezi sa tenderom u Subject polju i tekstu e-maila. 


Više informacija, dodatne resurse i vodiče za UNDP nabavke možete pronaći na globalnim internet stranicama UNDP-a, putem linkova koji su navedeni ispod.  

Radujemo se uspešnom korišćenju Quantum sistema i zahvaljujemo se na Vašem interesovanju za saradnju sa UNDP-om! 


Quantum Procurement - User Guide for UNDP Suppliers - October 2022

Quantum Procurement - Quantum Supplier Portal - Webinar for Suppliers

UNDP Quantum Supplier Guide Consolidated links document

How to register to UNDP Quantum Supplier Portal

How to search for tenders and submit bid response in UNDP Quantum supplier portal

How to revise, retrieve, or manage a bid response after it is posted

How to manage orders and invoices in UNDP Quantum Supplier Portal

How to manage and update profile in UNDP Quantum Supplier Portal

How to reset password in UNDP Quantum Supplier Portal

Korisni linkovi: 

UNDP Procurement Notices 

Quantum Supplier Portal 

UNDP General Procurement Information (in UN Languages) - Doing Business with UNDP - How We Buy 


Tenders / Procurement Notices

Procurement notices for contracts over $100,000


No.Procurement NoticeAmounts awarded (USD)Vendor selected/Date of Contract
1. Consultancy Services for BIO4 Campus Project Optimization196,441EnPlus DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 5/7/2023
2. Provision of recruitment & employment and headhunting services450,000City Scope Enterprises doo, Belgrade, Serbia, 20/07/2023
3. Provision of recruitment & employment and headhunting services450,000Sequester Employment doo, Belgrade, Serbia, 20/07/2023
4. Firefighting/specialized vehicles for counteracting forest and wildfires1,497,300VATROSPREM PROIZVODNJA DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 25/07/2023
5. Consulting support for further expansion of the Government Data Center in Kragujevac, Serbia – Phase II155,000Arthur D Little, Vienna, Austria, 06/08/2023
6.Preparation of Technical Design Documentation for the Construction of the “Innovation District” – Data Centre complex in Kragujevac100,500CEP, Serbia, 14/8/2023
7. Preparation of TD  for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, and adaptation of the Microbiological laboratories of the IPH Nis and Kragujevac132,000ENERGOPROJEKT URBANIZAM I ARHITEKTURA, Serbia 31/08/2023
8. Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the settlements Ogar and Brestac in the municipality of Pecinci182,700Ehting d.o.o., Serbia, 22/9/2023
9. Provision of standardized analysis of construction works costs120,000ARUP D.O.O. BEOGRAD, Serbia, 15/11/2023
10. eParliament System for Mionica243,987Telegroup doo Beograd, Serbia, 05/12/2023
11.Equipment for CP, Serbia - mobile phones, laptops and DSL cameras (Re-adv)105,885KING ICT, Belgrade, Serbia 13/12/2023
12. Design and implementation of a national public awareness raising campaign on the importance of green transformation314,203NEW MOMENT NEW IDEAS COMPANY DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia 22/12/2023
13.Supervision of works - Clinic of Neurosurgery UKCS in Belgrade149,720KRIP INZENJERING DOO, Serbia, 29/12/2023
14.Preparation of the technical documentation for reconstruction of the former hotel Jablanica in Valjevo into high school students dormitory148,000Quiddita doo, Serbia,  22/01/2024
15.Preparation of Technical Documentation for the Reconstruction and Construction of Sewage Network in the Municipality of Veliko Gradiste228,375BEOHIDRO DOO, Serbia, 14/02/2024
16.Preparation of Technical Documentation – Concept Designs for Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Accompanying Infrastructure in the Municipality of Backa Palanka233,450EHTING D.O.O., Serbia, 14/02/2024
17. Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Reconstruction, Adaptation, Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Existing Facilities of the Zemun Medical Center199,375ENERGOPROJEKT URBANIZAM I ARHITEKTURA, Serbia, 14/02/2024
18.Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Reconstruction of the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia525,800Masinoprojekt KOPRING, Serbia, 20/02/2024
19. Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the settlement Deč in the municipality of Pecinci184,500BEOHIDRO DOO, Serbia, 26/02/2024
20.Reconstruction of the public administrative building Draze Pavlovic 15310,696JUGOGRADNJA DOO, Serbia, 25/03/2024
21.Drones and related trainings for Border Police, and Criminal Police
LOT 1, Belgrade (9 drones),
LOT 2 Skopje (9 drones),
LOT 3 Tirana (11 drones)
840,455Agencija KAMIR d.o.o. Široki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28/3/2024
22.Supervision of Additional Construction Works on the New Building of the “Biosense” Institute in Novi Sad174,250AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 23/04/2024
23.Upgrade works at MoI storage locations in Balti, as well as the GPI evidence rooms at Chisinau and Edinet Police Inspectorates180,577.79(R) 7 SERVICII IMOBILIARE, Moldova, 24/04/2024
24.Technical Control of the Design for Building Permit for the Construction of the BIO4 Campus – Part II192,480ASMEC CONSULTANTS DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 25/04/2024
25.Technical Control of the Design for Building Permit for the Construction of the BIO4 Campus – Part I205,860CEP, Serbia, 25/04/2024
26.Preparation of Technical Documentation for Construction of the New City Stadium in Kragujevac500,200AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 26/04/2024
27.Construction works - New Centre for Social Welfare Kikinda Re-Advertised, Phase I1,163,930JUGOGRADNJA DOO, Serbia, 29/04/2024
28.LTA Mobile phone services165,500Yettel doo, Serbia, 06/05/2024
29.Disaster Risk Register software upgrade733,000Igea LTD, Slovenia, 28/05/2024
30.Equipment for Criminal Police of Moldova:Long-sighted day/night binoculars, Head-mounted night vision binoculars, Thermal Imaging Binoculars163,197.60BU COMBINES, India, 29/5/2024
31.Equipment for Border Police of Albania-Handheld detector of explosives and narcotics (12 pcs) and Handheld Xray scanner (3 pcs)329,485MEDILAB SAL, Lebanon, 2/6/2024
32.Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the municipality of Priboj246,000AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 14/06/2024
33.Research on Factors Fueling Demand and Misuse of Firearms164,990Ipsos Strategic Marketing doo, Serbia, 24/6/2024
34.Reconstruction of the Administration building in Kneginje Ljubice 5 in Belgrade1,164,709.92Modulor d.o.o. Serbia, 28/6/2024