PROJECT OWNER: AccLab LAC - Argentina 

The "Red Con Vos" pilot connects community markets with digital inclusion.  



The Red Con Vos project scales an innovative territorial solution connecting community markets with digital inclusion. It consists of a network of local businesses where neighbours can perform digital procedures and transactions near their homes with the assistance of the shopkeepers. In addition to enabling more online activities and promoting inclusive digitization, neighbours save the time and money to handle these procedures and transactions in person. To implement this solution, we invited businesses that already had a computer and internet access, providing training to their managers to offer this service and become part of the network. UNDP Argentina, led by Co_Lab - the Acceleration Lab -, successfully implemented the Red in two instances so far: first in Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, in 2021, in partnership with the Municipal Government, and later in Fray Mamerto Esquiú, Catamarca, in 2022, in alliance with the Municipal Government and the Subsecretariat of Administrative Innovation of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation.  


The Red Con Vos draws inspiration from an innovative territorial initiative adapted by Co_Lab to achieve even higher levels of digital inclusion. This solution was previously mapped in 2019 and later appeared in different versions during the pandemic in 2020. People affected are experts in dealing with their problems, and the solutions they find can teach us valuable lessons to address them. Co_Lab works with future signals and scenarios, mapping, testing, and scaling territorial solutions in partnership with governments. The goal is to understand the problems limiting the development of individuals and communities and generate evidence with a systemic perspective and portfolio approach.


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