Project Owner: UNDP Ecuador – AccLab Ecuador 

My Future is Today is a digital platform aimed at improving the work conditions of unemployed or informally employed young workers. Recognizing the prevalence of informal youth employment in Ecuador, particularly exacerbated by the pandemic, the platform seeks to address this pressing issue by providing quality and regular information about young people in informal employment situations. 


Challenges: The prevalence of informal youth employment in Ecuador is a significant challenge, with 7 out of 10 young people between the ages of 18 and 29 engaged in informal jobs. Understanding the demographics, locations, and circumstances of these young workers is crucial for designing effective public policies and services tailored to their needs. 

Approach: To address this challenge, the project adopts an innovative and user-centric approach. Rather than viewing young workers as passive recipients of services, they are considered as the primary users and co-creators of the digital solution. By actively involving young workers in the design and development process, the platform ensures that it meets their specific needs and preferences. 

Solution: The My Future is Today platform serves as a digital solution for collecting quality and regular information about young people in informal employment situations. Through user-friendly interfaces and interactive features, young workers can easily provide data about their work conditions, locations, family status, and other relevant information. This data is then used to inform the design of targeted interventions and support services aimed at improving the well-being and prospects of young workers. 

Impact: By providing accurate and up-to-date information about informal youth employment, the platform empowers policymakers, researchers, and service providers to better understand the needs and challenges faced by young workers. This, in turn, enables the design and implementation of more effective interventions and support programs to improve the work conditions and prospects of young people in Ecuador. 


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